1. Selection of the Agave
The agaves to be used in mezcal production are chosen. They must be mature and ready to be harvested.

4. Fermentation
The bagazo, or agave fibers, are placed in wooden vats with well water to ferment with natural yeasts.

2. Cooking the Agave
The piñas, or hearts of the agave, are baked in a conical stone oven. They are covered with agave leaves and earth to cook thoroughly.

5. Distillation
The fermented liquid is distilled in copper stills. Our mezcal is obtained through two distillations.

3. Grinding the Agave
The cooked agave piñas are ground to break the fibers. This is done by hand using a wooden mallet.

6. Resting & Bottling
After distillation, the mezcal is rested and then bottled, ready to be savored in slow sips.